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The terminal has the capacity to heat over 8 million homes per day
The electricity powering SAGE is generated entirely by wind and hydro

因为我们为家庭供暖消耗能源, 打开烤箱或洗个热水澡, the gas used to make this possible has travelled hundreds of miles and been thoroughly processed to be delivered safely to your home.

苏格兰地区气体疏散(SAGE)系统, 位于圣弗格斯, 香港仔以北, 有助于确保持续的, critical energy supply to the country alongside numerous other gas terminals dotted across the UK. Gas processed at SAGE feeds into the UK’s National Transmission System, providing a significant proportion of the UK’s total 天然气供应.

Wood is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the SAGE system via an evergreen contract with our client Ancala中游 Acquisitions Limited (Ancala中游). The system transports gas through the 323km SAGE pipeline between the northern part of the Central North Sea to the SAGE terminal, where it is processed on behalf of North Sea gas producers.

The facility is an integrated gas transportation and processing system throughput of around 465 million cubic feet of gas per day: enough power to heat over 3.300万户家庭.

Ensuring this critical energy supply to the nation, SAGE has daily production targets to meet. During the four years Wood has been operating the site, these targets have not once been missed. Even throughout the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic with reduced manpower and extra safety precautions in place, the site has continued to safeguard the energy demands of homes, 医院, 在我们最需要的时候提供其他重要的服务.


Wood and Ancala中游 work together as operating partners in an open and collaborative relationship that results in enhanced value for both partners and enables rich decision making. With our continued reliance on hydrocarbons for some decades to come, the partners are keen to ensure longevity of SAGE by working together on a rationalisation project. The project aims to deliver a distinct set of options and activities to position the SAGE plant for a further 20 successful years of production.

尽管我们仍然依赖碳氢化合物, enabling sustainable operations is vital in the drive towards net-zero. To support the long life of SAGE against the backdrop of the energy transition, 伍德还提出了一项能源管理计划, investigating and presenting the carbon reduction opportunities available to pursue at the site. This work feeds into the 石油 and Gas UK methane working group, of which Wood is a member. This is an industry led initiative to work collaboratively in developing a range of potential carbon reduction solutions, with a target to half industry methane emissions by 2030.

如果SAGE发现了问题, the team are poised to act to avoid any interruption to production and thus, 天然气供应. 当检测到少量碳氢化合物排放时, the implementation of swift and effective mitigations and monitoring are put into place.

例如, 在一个这样的事件中提供永久的解决办法, Wood designed and fabricated a clamp to be fixed to an insulated joint ensuring it was fully sealed, made possible by early detection and working directly with the client team.

因为这个问题具有挑战性, the engineering team were able to provide a technical-based solution which resulted in a truly unique design and specification to create the clamp. 夹具的尺寸和比例, 重16吨, is believed to be the largest non-subsea related clamp installed by Wood and their contractor.

The clamp was safely and successfully installed and is 现在 a life-of-field repair that will be in place for around 25 years.


Wood is committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 40% by 2030. 伍德负责SAGE的日常运营, 它还购买电力来为网站供电. Reviewing the electricity procurement strategy and adopting cleaner power generation by switching to a renewable tariff is one step towards Wood’s carbon reduction goal.

截至2021年第二季度, the electricity used to power SAGE is 现在 generated entirely by wind and hydro, which means the carbon emissions associated with powering the site have radically reduced.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.